Indicators of Success

This project aims to help develop and test indicators for MPAs performance. These indicators will capture elements such as the ecological status of the MPAs (e.g. at-risk population improvements, habitat protection), socio-economic conditions, and governance contexts surrounding MPAs. The framework for the analysis of legitimacy will focus on assessing governance indicators identified for two established MPAs and two identified as areas of interest.

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Marine ecosystems are increasingly impacted by direct and indirect human activities. Marine protected areas (MPAs), the equivalent to terrestrial parks in the oceans, are created in Canada and all around the world to attempt to protect fragile and valuable ecosystems. The effectiveness of MPAs is however very variable, depending on many factors such as the MPA size, location, the type of protection, level of enforcement. Effectiveness can also be influenced by other factors, such as the perceived level of legitimacy and authority of the protected area by various stakeholders. 

Project Deliverables / Achievements

  • An article is published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

  • L. Dehens has successfully graduated with a MMM degree.

  • A peer-reviewed article is published in Ecological Indicators.

  • A research article is published in Ocean Yearbook.

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Mushquash Estuary MPA

Basin Head MPA