Marta Miatta, PhD Candidate

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Ocean Sciences Department

I am a Marine Biologist and I am particularly interested in ecology and conservation issues related to the marine ecosystem. During my Master’s in Italy I have explored meiofaunal biodiversity related to sedimentary trophic status in coastal systems. I have also worked as volunteer helping protecting marine endangered species as sea turtles.

Supervisor: Dr. Paul Snelgrove

Start to Finish: January 2016 to January 2020

CHONe Project: 1.2.4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a deep-water MPA; the Laurentian Channel AOI.

Project Title: Ecosystem functions and biodiversity patterns within the Laurentian Channel AOI: Regional comparisons and links to water column processes.

Project Description: The objective of my thesis is to evaluate 1) how ecosystem functioning and biodiversity change within different regions of the Laurentian Channel AOI (eastern Canada), 2) how sea pens affect them and 3) how benthic and water column processes are related. Linked to broader CHONe goals, understanding these variables and their drivers is important for finding ecosystem conservation strategies for the ocean. Hopefully, this project’s results will be useful to evaluate the conservation and research objectives for this AOI and to propose effective monitoring protocols and strategies for other and larger AOIs or MPAs.