Francis Juanes,
Biology Department, University of Victoria
Francis Juanes is the Liber Ero Chair for Fisheries Research and a Professor at the University of Victoria. Francis works mainly on the behaviour, ecology and evolution of fishes and marine invertebrates. Francis did his undergraduate degree at McGill, M.Sc at Simon Fraser University and PhD at the State University of New York – Stony Brook. After a post-doctoral position at UBC with Carl Walters, Francis became a professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he taught for 18 years until recently relocating to the west coast. He has mentored many graduate students and postdocs in a variety of research areas. He is an editor of the ICES Journal of Marine Sciences and the Book Review Editor for the American Fisheries Society. Currently, Francis’ work focuses on the effects of anthropogenic noise on fish and invertebrates; population dynamics, conservation genetics, and life history variation in Atlantic salmon; predator-prey interactions in piscivorous fishes; and early life history of Pacific salmon.