Emilie Geissinger, PhD Candidate

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Ocean Sciences

Hello! My name is Emilie Geissinger and I grew up in Connecticut, USA. Before coming to Memorial University of Newfoundland, I was a Biology teacher and swim coach. I was also a research intern at Cape Eleuthera Institute, which is where I discovered I wanted to pursue a career in research. When I’m not studying or working, I am off hiking or reading a book.

Supervisor(s): Dr. Paul Snelgrove and Dr. Robert Gregory

Start to Finish: 03/2016 to 11/2018

CHONe Project: The contribution of nearshore coastal zone nurseries to offshore capture fisheries.

Project Title: The effects of temperature on size-specific overwinter survival of age-0 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Project Description:

My project focuses on the effect temperature has on size-specific survival of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) over the winter season in Newman Sound, NL.  I will be applying a matrix population model to age-0 Atlantic cod to determine the role temperature plays on survival and growth.  This model will also assess the contribution of coastal juvenile populations to offshore fisheries. In conjunction with my empirical study, I will be conducting a mark-recapture study from October-May to determine the natural survival rate of age-0 cod and assess if migration between sites occurs in Newman Sound. Lastly, I will be looking at the role temperature and food availability have on the condition of age-0 Atlantic cod.

The specific project/thesis aims are:

  1. Determine the effect of temperature on size-specific overwinter survival of age-0 Gadus morhua and how the coastal juvenile populations contribute to offshore fisheries
  2. Mark-recapture study of age-0 G. morhua over winter season
  3. Assessing condition of age-0 G. morhua in winter conditions

This project links with the broader CHONe goals by studying the impact climate change has on coastal zone fisheries and determining juvenile contribution to offshore fisheries.