Chantal Vis,
PhD, Marine Ecosystem Specialist, Parks Canada, Ottawa, ON
Dr. Chantal Vis brings a diverse range of experiences from her years of working on marine and freshwater issues in Canadian waters. After an undergraduate degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography at Dalhousie University, she received her MSc and PhD in aquatic ecology from the Université de Montréal. She worked for several years as a research scientist with Environment Canada, working on the impacts of land use on water quality and primary production, and joined Parks Canada in 2007. She has provided science advice on the monitoring, management and research activities related to freshwater ecosystems, and has completed projects involving multiple partners, from both government, academic and non-governmental organizations. Currently a marine ecosystem specialist within the Marine Policy Division of Parks Canada, she provides evidence-based policy advice to inform the establishment and management of National Marine Conservation Areas. Chantal is also the Canadian representative on the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s steering committee for a trilateral project between Mexico, the United States and Canada on marine protected areas.