Alessia Ciraolo, PhD Candidate
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Ocean Sciences
I graduated in Marine Biology in Italy where, for both my Bachelor and Master’s Degree, I focused on Marine Ecology, in particular on the natural and anthropogenic impacts on the deep sea benthic organisms. Successively, I had other experiences as a Marine Biologist, both working and volunteering. Now, I am taking a part on a project which allows me to carry on my interest on a different kind of impact on the deep sea ecosystems. During my free time I love diving, skating and walking.
Supervisor: Dr. Paul Snelgrove
Institution: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Ocean Sciences
Start to Finish: January 2018 to January 2022
CHONe Project: 2.1.3: Hypoxia and cumulative impacts on seafloor ecosystem function